Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And The Drum Roll, Please...

Dearest of all Readers. Yes, you.

Today's entry will not be the usual sandwich review to stimulate your tastebuds.

No, today's entry is to announce something very special.

I've been mentioning our new mascot for the last two weeks, and I am very pleased to introduce him to you now.

He's equally delicious and badass. He tastes like harmless Pastrami, but could take you down with Clint Eastwood style fury.


Many thanks to reader Charlene Cowler for her numerous great designs. It was very hard to whittle them down to this one, and I hope you are all pleased with the decision.

Because very soon, I will be having promotional giveaways of buttons, business cards, and even t-shirts. So stay tuned to find out how to earn some DANGERous Swag.

But for now, let's take some suggestions on names for our new mascot. Leave one in the comments section.

Until next week, Readers, when i'll be back with another exciting Sandwich Review.

Tell your tastebuds I said hello.


  1. Honestly, I think just naming him "THE DANGER SANDWICH" (has to be all caps) is the way to go.

  2. i think a good point, kareem. maybe some suspenseful music after every time it's said.

  3. There's SIR SANDWICH OF DANGER, or you can borrow the Luchadore style and call him *ahem* EL TORTA DE PELIGROSO! (The Sandwich of Danger). Considering the fact that he looks like the sort of sandwich El Gran Pendejo would savor, I like that idea.


hey, totally leave your name in your post so i know who is posting! thanks for commenting!